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Stefan Stancescu


    Doctor Inginer

    Ștefan Stăncescu

    Conferențiar la catedra de Electronica Aplicată și Ingineria Informației 

    din cadrul Facultății de Electronică, Telecomunicații și Tehnologia Informației 

    din Universitatea "POLITEHNICA" București

    English version

    Doctor inginer în electronică aplicată din 1986, cu teza

                          "Codarea optimală în echipamentele de memorii ale calculatoarelor".


    Ultime articole publicate


    1.      Șt. Stăncescu, L. Raicea, R. Marinescu, E. Enoiu  “UML Modeling in Design of Error Detection and Correction Circuits", Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunications and Infoprmation CTI - MIPRO 2009, May 25-29 2009, Opatia, pp. 521-526.

      2.      Șt. Stăncescu, G.A. Carleciuc  “Queue Length Influence in RED Congestion Avoidance Algorithm”, Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunications and Infoprmation CTI - MIPRO 2009, May 25-29 2009, Opatia, pp. 73-76.

      3.          Catalin Buiu, Mario Zagar, Radu Dobrin, Sylvia Ilieva, Adnan Salihbegovi, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Ivica Crnkovic, Damir Isovic, Hannu Tenhunen, Ioan Dumitrache, Stefan Stancescu, Vasile Lazarescu, Zeljka Car, Igor Cavrak, Ignac Lovrek, “GENESIS: a framework for global engineering of embedded systems, Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Software Engineering in East and South Europe, SEESE, Leipzig, Germany, Pages 87-94,2008

      4.             S. Cojocaru,C. Radoi, Șt.Stancescu "The use of fieldbuses in real- time control applications" -Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency-The XXXVIII-th International Scientific Symposium May 29, 2008 Bucharest ISBN: 978-973-0-05684-6

    5.             S. Cojocaru,C. Radoi, Șt. Stancescu  "Network parameters optimization in CAN-Network design" , Procedings of the 7th International Conference Communications 2008, Bucharest , June 5-7 ISBN 978-606-521-008-0

    6.             S. Cojocaru,C. Radoi, Șt.Stancescu  "Communication problems in distributed embedded systems" Procedings of the 9th International Carpathian Control Conference Sinaia, Romania, May 25-28, 2008 ISBN 978-973-746-897-0

    7.       P.M. Putinica, Șt. Stăncescu, “Software Simulation and Performance Analysis for Turbo Encoding/Decoding CHIP Componentes for Magnetic Recording Channels”, 2007 International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2007, October 15-17 2007, pp. 525-528.



  1. Șt. Stăncescu, C. I. Ingieru  “Toward Application Driven and Included Compiler", Proceedings of International Conference on  Intelligent Systems CIS - MIPRO 2010, May 24-28 2010, Opatia, pp. 221-224.

  2. Șt. Stăncescu, L. Neagoe, R. Marinescu, E. Enoiu  “A Sysml Model for Code Correction and Detection Systems", Proceedings of International Conference on Microelectronics, Electronics and Electronic Technology MEET  - MIPRO 2009, May 24-28 2010, Opatia, pp. 215-217.

  3. Șt. Stăncescu, L. Raicea, R. Marinescu, E. Enoiu  “UML Modeling in Design of Error Detection and Correction Circuits", Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunications and Infoprmation CTI - MIPRO 2009, May 25-29 2009, Opatia, pp. 521-526.

  4. Șt. Stăncescu, G.A. Carleciuc  “Queue Length Influence in RED Congestion Avoidance Algorithm”, Proceedings of International Conference on Telecommunications and Infoprmation CTI - MIPRO 2009, May 25-29 2009, Opatia, pp. 73-76.

  5. Catalin Buiu, Mario Zagar, Radu Dobrin, Sylvia Ilieva, Adnan Salihbegovi, Tiberiu Seceleanu, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Ivica Crnkovic, Damir Isovic, Hannu Tenhunen, Ioan Dumitrache, Stefan Stancescu, Vasile Lazarescu, Zeljka Car, Igor Cavrak, Ignac Lovrek, “GENESIS: a framework for global engineering of embedded systems, Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Software Engineering in East and South Europe, SEESE, Leipzig, Germany, Pages 87-94,2008  

  6.  S. Cojocaru,C. Radoi, Șt.Stancescu "The use of fieldbuses in real- time control applications" -Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency-The XXXVIII-th International Scientific Symposium May 29, 2008 Bucharest ISBN: 978-973-0-05684-6

  7. S. Cojocaru,C. Radoi, Șt. Stancescu  "Network parameters optimization in CAN-Network design" , Procedings of the 7th International Conference Communications 2008, Bucharest , June 5-7 ISBN 978-606-521-008-0  

  8. S. Cojocaru,C. Radoi, Șt.Stancescu  "Communication problems in distributed embedded systems" Procedings of the 9th International Carpathian Control Conference Sinaia, Romania, May 25-28, 2008 ISBN 978-973-746-897-0

  9. P.M. Putinica, Șt. Stăncescu, “Software Simulation and Performance Analysis for Turbo Encoding/Decoding CHIP Componentes for Magnetic Recording Channels”, 2007 International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 2007, October 15-17 2007, pp. 525-528.

  10. P.M. Putinica, Şt. Stăncescu, “Performance and Coding Gains of MTR-RLL codes in partial response magnetic channels”, IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, MELECON 2006, 16-19 May 2006, pp. 533-536.

  11. P.M. Putinica, Şt. Stăncescu,  T. Seceleanu, “Modern Encoding and Detection Methods for Magnetic Recordings”, UPB Sci. Bull. Series C, Vol 67, No. 2, 2005, pp. 43-56.

  12. P.M. Putinica, Şt. Stăncescu,  “Modular Digital Magnetic Recording Channel Software Simulator”, Proceedings of the National Symposium of Theoretical Electrical Engineering, SNET'5, mai 2005, București, pp. 349-355.

  13. P.M. Putinica, Şt. Stăncescu,  “Performance Analysis of DFE Magnetic Recording Channels with RLL Encoding Constraints”, International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, ISSCS 2005, Iasi, July 2005, pp. 239-242.

  14. Tiberiu Seceleanu, Ştefan Stăncescu, V. Lazarescu “Distributed Arbitration for the Segmented-Bus Platform”, International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, ISSCS 2005, Iasi, July 2005, pp. 63-66.

  15. P.M. Putinica, Şt. Stăncescu,  “Viterbi Detection Analysis on RLL Sequences”, 11th International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, ICECS 2004, Tel Aviv, December 2004, pp. 551-554.

  16. Tiberiu Seceleanu, Şt. Stăncescu,  “Arbitration for the Segmented Bus Architecture”, 27th International Semiconductor Conference CAS 2004 Proceedings, Sinaia, October 2004, pp. 487-490.

  17. Şt. Stăncescu, Savu Sorin Adrian, “Algorithm for Optimal Access in Disk Arrays”,  International Symposium on Signals, Circuits and Systems Proceedings, SCS2001, Iasi, July 2001, pp. 253-256.

  18. St. Stăncescu, Sorin Adam, “Markov process model cache algorithm, dedicated to network file servers” 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Proceedings  MELECON’2000, Cyprus, May 2000, Vol. I, pp. 2-5.

  19. Victor Soare, St. Stăncescu, “Modular Partial Response Channel Software Simulator” 10th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference Proceedings  MELECON’2000, Cyprus,  May 2000, Vol. II, pp. 786-789.

  20. Şt. Stăncescu, Victor Soare, “Performanţe ale canalelor cu răspuns parţial şi detecţie Viterbi în înregistrări pe suport magnetic”, Electrotehnica, Electronica şi Automatica vol. 48, nr. 5-6, mai-iunie 2000, pag. 30-34.

  21. Şt. Stăncescu, Traian Ştefănescu, “Analiza unor algoritmi de acces pentru baze de date în reţele rapide”,  Revista de Română de Informatică şi Automatică, vol.10, nr. 4, 2000, pag. 5-10.

  22. Şt. Stăncescu, Victor Soare “Partial Response and Viterbi Detection Channel Simulator for Digital Magnetic Recording”, Studies in Informatics and Control, vol.9, No.3, September 2000, pp, 219-222.

  23. Mihai Andrei, St. Stăncescu, “Data Access Algorithms in Distributed Database Systems for High Speed Networks”, Proceedings of International Conference COMMUNICATIONS 2000, 7-9 December 2000 Bucharest, pp. 218.

  24. Adrian Toşcă, St. Stăncescu, Dan Stoichescu “Heuristic Algorithm for Process Assignment on Distributed Computer Systems”, Proceedings of International Conference COMMUNICATIONS 2000, 7-9 December 2000 Bucharest, pp. 222.

  25. Felicia Ionescu, Şt. Ştăncescu “Parallel implementations of algorithms in distributed systems” – Revue Roumaine des sciences techniques - Electrotehnique et energetique, Tome 43, No 1, Janvier-Mars 1998, p. 53-57.



  • Lupu Cristian, Ștefan Stăncescu, "Microprocesoare. Circuite. Aplicații." at Editura Militară, București, 1985




Ștefan Stăncescu, Vladimir Grosu, Dumitru Răduțoi, "Dispozitiv de interfață pentru controloare de echipamente periferice", Certificat de Inventator 101732, OSIM 1988;

Ștefan Stăncescu, Vladimir Grosu, Dumitru Răduțoi, "Procedeu  și  dispozitiv de codare pentru coduri  cu  limitare  a lungimii secvenței de zerouri succesive", Certificat de Inventator 97298, OSIM 1986;

Ștefan Stăncescu, Vladimir Grosu, Dumitru Răduțoi,  "Metode  și dispozitiv de selecție a mărcilor dintr-un  format  de înregistrare sau dintr-o transmisie de date", Certificat de Inventator 97299, OSIM 1986;

Ștefan Stăncescu, "Procedeu și dispozitiv de codare ternară", Certificat de Inventator 93739, OSIM 1985;

Ștefan Stăncescu, Vladimir Grosu, Dumitru Răduțoi, "Procedeu  și dispozitiv pentru încărcarea de pe disc  flexibil  a sistemului de operare ISIS II", Certificat de Inventator 83527, OSIM 1982;

Nisipeanu Ion, Ștefan Stăncescu, Văceanu Nicolae, "Metodă și dispozitiv de conectare a unor deruloare într-un sistem de memorie pe bandă magnetică", Certificat de Inventator 63423, OSIM 1977;


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                                                                                                                                                                    Universitatea Politehnica București
Facultatea de Electronica Telecomunicații și Tehnologia Informației 
Catedra de Electronica Aplicata si Ingineria Informației