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Subject title: Advanced Operating SystemsTenured
Professor: Associate Professor Ştefan Stăncescu Type: training
(general or specialist) specialist Number of course
28 hrs Number of
application hours : 14 hrs Number of credit
points: 6
1'st/1'st Package:
curricular area (common or specialist) specialist Prerequisites: attending and / or promoting the following subjects: Operating Systems 2.Objectives of Subject -
For courses
The general objective is to study principles, architectures, analysis and synthesis methods of applied operating systems mechanisms for local and distributed small, medium and large computer systems, with specialized and universal applications, with or without real time conditions. The general objective is to develop LINUX operating system abilities. The laboratory applications exercise LINUX kernel recompilation in view to fulfill operation system performance requirements. Software development utilities are exercised, dedicated to recompilation process and LINUX deliveries. For project, students are involved in design and development of a LINUX kernel version, following some requirement specifications set. 3.Specific Competencies Offer knowledge of software utilities structure and functions, in system programming. Establish abilities in detailed resources management by unitary structured view through operating system components. Describe detailed resources management mechanisms. Accommodate with open source LINUX operating system, kernel recompilation, requirement specification for operating systems 4.Syllabus
5.Assessment a)
Activities assessed and their weighting
:(according to the Graduating Regulations) Laboratories
30% Work assigned
30% Project 20% Final
20% b)
Minimum passing requirements: passing
laboratory and project work; passing the final
evaluation. c)
Final scoring; 50-55 points –
mark 5; 56-59– mark 6; 60-69- mark 7; 70-79- mark 8; 80-89 mark- 9; 90-100 mark-10. 6.Benchmarking Course Notes and
examples on web page http://stst.elia.pub.ro/news/SOA/Teme_SOA_2009_10.htm Classical oral presentation in Romanian 8.Bibliography (1)A.
S. Tanenbaum and A. S. Woodhull, “Operating
Systems: Design and Implementation”, 3’rd edition, Prentice Hall, 2006. (2)A.S.
Tanenbaum, “Distributed Operating
Systems”, Prentice Hall, 1995. (4) http://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+compile+the+linux+kernel
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